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By Brian Garvin
Linen World has been in business for twenty-five years. A longtime direct sales company, Linen World includes a lot of information on their website for both customers and potential representatives to peruse and learn about the company.
For customers, Linen World has a complete full color catalog online. They sell kitchen utensils, dishes for entertaining, bed sets, quilts, Egyptian cotton sheets, towels, bathing utensils, childrens plush toys, candles, clocks and other unique decorative items. The catalog is easy to navigate, and shows every page. Prices are pretty similar to normal retail for similar items.
For potential representatives, they include a lot of information about their business opportunity. New sales representatives can get started for free their sales kit is paid for from the commissions from their first party. Each consecutive party is provided with free catalogs, order forms, invitations and more.
Linen World seems to offer its sales reps a lot of support, including the opportunity to have their own webpage for free with its own shopping cart. To get started, potential representatives merely download the application and send it in. If the first party is not completed, or the representative changes her mind, all she needs to do is send the hostess kit back within the first thirty days.
Incentives and rewards are available from cruises to computer systems to gift cards or merchandise. All a rep needs to do is a set number of parties per year to earn them.
Linen World representatives have no minimum orders, and are paid their commissions twice a month. They have a flat fee for shipping, so no matter how much is ordered at a party, the shipping fee is a low $4.95. The sales reps do not need to maintain any inventory.
As in most direct sales organizations, representatives can recruit a sales force that becomes their team. They then become the sales manager, and receive a fee for every party that the members of their team complete. The more parties the manager does herself, the more commission she earns from her teams parties.
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I could not find any reviews from consultants online, nor could I find any comments about the company, either good or bad. Either the representatives are so happy that they dont need to post reviews or comments to generate interest, or there is no interest. It really cant be concluded with the lack of information I found.
From their website, it seems that Linen World is very fair to their representatives, and bends over backward to support them. They do not soak their sales teams for supplies, or expect them to foot the bill.
About the Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of
Linen World
from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at
MLM Review Kings
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